For those Carbon Farmers that are interested in detailed tonnes of TOC to depths of 100 cm. The following information are the results of all testing on Bimbadeen “M” paddocks. 16 x 2 hectare paddocks .
At last testing an average of 173.64 tonne TOC per hectare.
0-10 cm. 59.59 tonne TOC per hectare. 5.95 tonne per cm.
10-30 cm. 40.88 tonne TOC per hectare. 2.04 tonne per cm.
30-45 cm. 19.70 tonne TOC per hectare. 1.31 tonne per cm.
45-100 cm 53.47 tonne TOC per hectare. 0.97 tonne per cm.
Our average Bulk Density on all tests were 1.38 g/cm3.
Gravel content, moisture and Labile carbon were all measured.
Our present aim is to increase our carbon to 200 tonnes per hectare. Some already 228 tonne.
Then 300 tonnes per hectare and finally 400 tonnes per hectare.
There are very few farms in Gippsland, Victoria to have achieved a 400 tonne carbon test.