M16 Trial paddock will continue to be sponsored by Bass Coast Landcare and Western Port Landcare Management Network up to 30/06/2023. We thank Joel & Pete for the assistance in this carbon program. We are now conducting trials on Bactivate products from Bioptiv Australia in our M paddocks where we hope to be able to sequester more carbon and have the ability to hold it in our soils. This will be done by foliar sprays and has already been trialed on M14 with a 27 tonne increase in TOC per hectare. Our method of carbon testing at Bimbadeen is the most accurate possible with 6 samples taken per 2 hectares by Inspired Ag Solutions. These samples are taken at the same GPS position as all previous testing. Each core is sampled at 0-10, 10-30, 30-45 and 45-100cm. These samples are sent to EAL Laboratories in Lismore. NSW. A report is sent back and TOC is given in tonnes per hectare for each depth. Bulk density, gravel content and labile carbon are all documented. M16 at Trial start was 158.14 T P HA and is now 170.47 T. M14 had dropped to 145.41 T last year and is now at 173.15 T P HA. M4 (Control) had dropped to 176.18 and is now 195.05 T P HA. Controlled grazing only with no treatment.